World Predator Classic - Holland - 2016
Was proud to be part of the Reuben Heaton Team for this years World Predator Classic in Hellevoetsluis, Holland. Ian Harris and I made up the kayak team.
We had a good few days of prefishing, finding plenty of good spots to target during the competition.
Competition day came and due to the weather conditions the kayak zone was cut down drastically covering an area we hadn't really explored. We had quite a tough day, but a few fish were caught where others struggled.
Day 2 and we were fishing in the canal, the main lake had standing waves so this was the safest option and gave us all a level playing field as the locals had never fished it. Dizzy and I had some fish.
Day 3 and we drove around to the far side of the lake to a sheltered area, we had been given some knowledge on the area so had some confidence in where to fish. We had a few perch, but needed zander for their length, the event was called off early due to a coast guard warning.
We had fished hard and Ian had managed a fantastic 4th place, me, well I was in 11th, just outside the prizes.
But best of all we had come second in the Team event, an excellent finish.