Ocean Kayak, Prowler 4.5 Elite

Length 14' 9" (4.5 m), Width 28" (71 cm), Weight 67 lbs (30.4 kg).
Maximum weight capacity 507 lbs (230 kg) depending on water conditions.
First Impressions
Normally we like to review a kayak over a period of time in various conditions, the First Impressions reviews are literally that, a quick chance to paddle a kayak, either at a demo, a kayak fishing meet, or just by asking somebody at the beach.
I should have been fishing the Summer Tournament but with an Ocean Kayak Dealer Demo at Mudeford Quay it was too tempting to miss.
The first kayak to be taken for a paddle was the Ocean Kayak Prowler Elite 4.5, the kayak that caused such a stir in the summer 2006 when AnglersAfloat was given the exclusive to release the images to the worldwide kayak fishing community.
Fittings were all familiar, large front hatch, tackle box bungeed to the centre console, screw hatch in front of the seat, paddle straps on the gunwale and large bungee covered tankwell and twin flush mounts just behind the seat.
Sat in the cockpit everything felt very familiar and comforting, the cockpit being a replica of our own 2007 Prowler 13 Angler, forward of the cockpit is where things are a little different with it's stretched out bow.
Paddling away from the shore the extra speed and glide over the Prowler 13 was immediately obvious and very impressive.

Stability was similar to the Prowler 13 but felt a little twitchier, this may have been down to my having just got out of a fully loaded Prowler 13, ready for a days fishing off shore.
With it's extra length I expected the Elite 4.5 to be slow to turn, this wasn't the case, but then again not quite as tight an arc as I would get with the Prowler 13.
If you like the qualities of the Prowler 13 but would like more speed, then the Prowler Elite 4.5 might just be for you.